I'm tired.
But not so tired and so, just tired tired. The vicissitudes
work of recent times, the combination of longer maturities (in Italian to bring to mind more of a stomach ache - I drank the milk up! - in English but are more afraid, because they call deadline, e quelle sono: mazzate di morte), e una diuturna carenza di sonno, mi hanno portato ad assumere un'espressione sempre più cadente e decadente, provvista di borse sotto agli occhi e le labbra lievemente increspate verso il basso, whereas for the meaning to be slightly at the end you have to think about the charade: light? mind!.
ambaradàm the fact is that last night of my subconscious came into action and has fulfilled that which, of course, is the primary need at this time. You know? Horn not two months? The subconscious gives Pamela Anderson, or depending Ninchi Ave (the one we want as well ass in the dream), complete with a small wet dream if you are good. Are you thirsty? The subconscious makes you dream liters of water, fountains, rivers - in this case the dream is cruel because, if you wake up, you have more thirst as well as before - but as I had drunk a while ago? - We beat a monumental piss? The subconscious mind makes you believe you have a bathroom available, but now, not after who knows how many steps to reach the walterklòs - in this case the dream is sundolo - sneaky, you mean - like nothing because you can pee in, also at ventitrentaquarantanni is not problem of incontinence.
last night I dreamed I laugh.
But the nice thing is that I laughed in the dream that I was doing while I was doing! Mò I do not remember why - it was something like that with a bass threaten people as a kind of machine guns on street corners, and then emulate Woody Allen Take the Money and Run, going back to a band playing the same bass, if you're fast readers will not notice the inconsistency.
But in the dream I was with
My friend and colleague F. says it's a good sign of active mental health. I think I'm
combined evil.
Ave Ninchi we only had to think, mannacciamort ...