Sunday, April 15, 2007 Unblocker

the streets of San Francisco - Episode 2

Two computer in order to be parachuted away against their will in faraway California, after a few hitches airport robotic character, at home, and intimate, beyond the Alps. After a long journey in which they try in vain to make a fortune, log on to the glowing central hotel where they are greeted by fragrant souvenirs in return for a modest fee. The two pass the first night in the warmth of a Californian restaurant located between North African one of the many intersections saddle dell'ondeggiante city of San Francisco, before collapsing victims of jet-lag.

The second day we are engaged almost full-time at the conference, which alternates very interesting moments at times decidedly limp. The focus, however, is kept alive by the presence of a substantial representation of women in high-quality, unusual for meetings to be "geek" who usually frequented. In fact, this conference is not to be geeks, but the worlds of media technology and cultural heritage, world stock from which the latter topic above.
Between sessions, lunch and a Chinese consumed take-away in Union Square with the soundtrack of a band of drummers and color the outline of a portly drag-queen, we find the time to organize the evening. Thanks to the Internet let's never too praised the hunt for live music events, including discard definitely a guy called lurid Bliss, while intrigued by such a concert Dying Californians (Porelli) in eight blocks from a club ' hotel. After the session, then, we go to the Hemlock Tavern in Post Street (oh, but what I like to give me this tone: what can I do?), But not before he had eaten a searing slice of pizza dinner as a park, given that invest a certain amount of incoming valsente the club. We arrive in a straight line sufficiently to the Tavern and there placed in a strategic position in the room turned into a concert hall, the size of not more than 20 square meters. The acoustics will be good. At the head of a pint of beer, me, a Gin and Tonic, Ciccio - the request for a Negroni is drowned in misunderstanding the bar tender - we put forward to listening to the group that will brighten your evening.
With some quarter of an hour late arriving in any order from six new-look very romantic to take a stand, respectively, on board a battery, a pairing of Casio-Korg keyboards, acoustic guitar, a Slit down and, surprisingly, trumpet and trombone. The six eat again that is a pleasure, with a kind of music that has been defined as "Memphis soul on an indie bender", whatever that means. The vocalist-rounder, that Paul Larson, Owen Wilson looks exaggerated, but he sings better. In general the performance is excellent and you can listen with passion and without resentment. The presence of a horn section and a rhythm section with the non-trivial backbeat gives a certain personality to harmonies less obvious than might appear at first hearing. Paul invites the audience to the truth still Scarsini in texture, the purchase of the cd "Because we need money" and suggests anyone interested in listening, "the two of you," he said, making fun of the executable public, actually continue to grow. About half
concert hall broke into a very well-matched pair of blondes that I could define, as it were ... stratopazze two, if I pass the spatial concept. The two guards in the room, observe carefully the public gaze upon the bystanders, and eventually make their choice and are blatantly sat down beside us. The reasons are many: the Latin charm that always tells her, a certain magnetism that emanates from our eyes, or the presence of only two seats left to sit. The fact is that the two - which for convenience I will call Jennifer and Katherine, as in the inevitable pit shall chat with flashes in which we do not know the names of straf ... ... of the top girls in short - disturb our rock-ascetic atmosphere just created, and introduced a violent disturbance in thunderstorms. In the little bits of conversation and deafened with Jennifer, because after two minutes of clock Katherine is picked up by a self-styled guru turbaned that monopolizes the rest of the evening, we learn that the top .. aridagli, the girls are Canadian, Niagara Falls, which Jen is a teacher for disabled (which I suppose rehabilitated immediately from experience) and that, although for some days in San Francisco for vacation, this is the first night I passed out.
Two good girls of the past, in fact.
I note that my status husband and father can love a purely academic interest in these cases. To confirm this I will mention the fact that the only piece of uninterrupted conversation, taking a break in the concert, about the socio-economic situation in Canada and in particular instances of separatist Quebec. And I swear, I swear, I'm not kidding.
Among other things, Jennifer struggles to nasconcdere a hatred for the French-mica reduced believes that man's best friend, and while he says that the young teacher it down the third row of Margarita. Throw bad, I fear that in a bit 'will be forced to reject his advances, which I believe imminent, prompted by higher on moral grounds, hoping that the poor do not remain too disappointed.
At this point we learn that the six that we are not applauding the Dying Californians, whatever, but a support group, such The Minor Canon, but have enjoyed my appreciation enough to make me buy their cd, "No good deed goes unpunished" I listen with pleasure as I write. The Minor Canon happens to another support group, nomato El Captain, grunge quartet with high hopes, and finally the highlight of the evening, these dying Californians who have a sound somewhere between Simon & Garfunkel and the Beach Boys. However good, too. Meanwhile, the twins have become fugitives Kessler: one, the Katherine, always following the guru, the other absent for a while 'for no apparent reason. Luckily, I think, so I will not be forced to break her heart. Leaving the room we meet, by chance, in which Jennifer, please, we think we greet with enthusiasm and affability, but we realize that such a gesture would be inappropriate, since we see her engaged in a tete a tete, all taken to caress the hair ... the lead singer of Minor Canon, unjustifiably still in the room, with languid attitude sufficiently to be considered one of their next mating.
Eeeh, is America, how it works here. Do it now, sooner if possible. I
remains incomprehensible how the girl would prefer the company of our beautiful art by the persuasive voice, young and blonde, but it must be a geopolitical issue. I find myself to admit that Paul Larson, about to become my new idol music is a little strangely now I 'on the ass, but I suppose it is due to some tone of his voice, obviously, I was not congenial.
Let the two embrace the harbingers of their future and we go in house, along a spiral trajectory unexpectedly (but we did not come in a straight line?) And doing the slalom between prostitutazze in full uniform to every corner of every street (and we talking down of the downtown, in other words the old town, if America had a history), drug dealers and / or made of crack and a long line of homeless sleeping in doorways.
The two faces of America, like any good manual teaches commonplace.


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