Here! We are pleased that the meme is spreading, and we hope that many others involved with the curiosity about their characters! As for an upgrade will take another few days, and since we have four other characters in arrears (thanks to those who have tagged!:)) Begin to sell off the list with one that has carved out a surprise a place among the most beloved of our legacy (much to gain favor with Olivia End of
!) which, we admit, we are also quite affectionate! That his nickname is the "Lemming" you already knew, but if you go under the cut will discover other
1) was the second of the brothers Dubois, and is smaller Justine just over ten months. 2) It is premature, seven months, but is in excellent health and is of good health. 3) In games with the sisters always ended up doing the "unpopular ones sorcière " (the wicked witch) rather than the prince without blemish and without fear as he wanted. 4) In his spare time likes to devote to video games, especially in the company of his best friend Jake Morris recently was fond of "military conflict simulator" Call to Arms 5. 5) As the pieces of her maman
, is also rather spoiled. In the kitchen is a disaster and is barely able to get a sandwich. However, when he wants to learn for a family with his Brooke. ♥
6) Do not want you to know about, but as a child was enrolled in courses in ballet along with Justine, who left with puberty. Now it is a bit 'rusty, but loves to dance and not doing bad at all!The other characters are almost ready, but at this point we hope to intersperse with an update of the PL is missing truly so much! but ran the game with five brand-new tag!
- Cesco Silvestri fefi18
- Terry de " i Passy of life " elisetta89
- Greta White tildhe
- Adele Donati Of course I would like to tag so many others, but we still have much to fan 25 tag for next time: P soon, bons à tout le monde! : ***