'Day people! How you doing, hot hand? : D Although we are currently working on two updates of the Oscars and an episode of Pirlis, we are here today to offer a nice little game that we saw on livejournal of our American friends and we want to revive community version in Italian! The rules of the game, or rather Character Meme , are as follows:
1. Post 10 curiosity about your character 2. Tag 5 other people 3. Post their names alongside those of their "Creators" 4. You can tag even one who has already tagged! Have you ever thought of things about the characters of your stories that you never dared to say that you thought were irrelevant or simply not remembered or have you ever thought to describe? With the character meme now you can! Easy and fun (at least by us), with this little game we know that side of the plot might not transpire, but that make our characters more believable and alive! We hope to take root, otherwise, well we tried (and let us be brave Ostrichette we are really curious to know more about your characters!). We leave you with under the cut ...
1) Silvio is actually smaller than his twin Piersilvio half an hour. 2) Being born Sept. 30, is a Libra (it is in the game and in fact embodies the vices and virtues of this sign, which incidentally is also ours: P) 3) His favorite dish is the mom's lasagna. It's kind of salt that sweet stuff!
4) How many members of his family, is a basketball fan. Currently working as sports director a youth basketball team and the VC has long practiced the sport himself. Its role was to guard
5) Despite the basketball player from the past, Silvio is not very high, comes in fact "barely" to 1.80. However, it is taller than his twin brother two cm.
6) Although a degree in drama and has a good ability as an actor, a young man he joined a theater club just to "riimorchiare. In fact it was the performance of "Dracula" that he met a certain Mina Morris. And you know, one thing leads to ...
7) Can play the piano.
8) hardened by several years of life as a bachelor, can cook, and does it very well. Prepare a good pizza, but it specializes in meat dishes.
9) As a boy, his ideal woman was blonde, blue eyes and curvy, and has found its realization in Ramona Angela (see
), but over time he changed his mind. Blonde, brown, brunette or red, the women are "love" all8D 10) Your favorite color is red
. Oh yes, the love roscio roscio: PNow TAG TIME! (No obligation, but in the meantime we begin to make the face of Puss Boots of Shrek: P)
- Nicolas Moon
- Sophia Castor bisboccina
- Christine Délice ciabby
- Brian Ishida la_salamandra
- Irma St. Pierre soon! Kisses: ***
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