Friday, December 31, 2010

Funky Highlights 2010

Happy New Year 2011!

Even this 2010 draws to a close, reckoning the twelve months just concluded, we are projects and express wishes for the coming next year, but above all, in one way or another, we celebrate: we try not to think only of the bad moments that we lived, the sadness, the problems of life for all of us but rather let us pause to remember the good things, the happy moments, the little great satisfaction, a smile that gave us the people we met in the 2010 or the pleasure of knowing him better here we hope that 2011 will bring many other great small joys! A big THANK YOU to each of you, because your stories have kept us company during this year is now finished and we hope the same for the coming year, we count eh! ;)
A double kiss and a wish from the heart to all our friends - and an even more particular, if the grant, the Simgirl ♥ - a Happy, Happy New Year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Weird Slime In My Period

December 24, 2010: Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas Eve! Our atypical
Advent Calendar ends with this post, just right for Christmas! Sure, you say, but Friday was devoted to the history? And we answer that yes, there should have been a Christmas special (as some of you had guessed), but unfortunately jumped to the onset of the usual commitments RL. We also thought of u n
Plan B, but because of a double fatal error of the game failed miserably ... Next year we will prepare the plan including C, to be sure!
But 'nuff said, let the good things: first of the Christmas story is only delayed (at the end of the year, I promise!) And then we want to dedicate to all you our warmest wishes for a Happy Christmas, joy, serenity and satisfaction! Su, venitevi to warm by the fire ...

One thing that made us great pleasure was to read, especially in the post Erica but also many others, a nice sense of belonging, of family, a bond that is established between the members of the Italian community who plays the Sims! We are very happy, very proud of be part of it, because - and there again, but this is right - we have known through the stories of these men of pixels, the beautiful people are real, we have shared their experience , happy ones, sad ones, funny ones and those absurd ... So our most sincere wishes are that we can do together with a big THANK YOU, and let us make a small preference, because in the Family Livejournal is a small group of girls who come from different parts of Italy, who have lifestyles, tastes completely different characters but we feel close to us as sisters: Julia, Elisa, Erica, Flavia, Sabrina, Claire and Barbara! We love you so much, dear Simgirls;)

And now we leave you with regards to the celebrations of our beloved family of pixel

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Filme De Incesto Para Baixa

December 22, 2010 - Meme

Hello World! First of all thanks for the comments and for kindly appreciated our downloads, sorry if we still have not answered, will recover as soon as possible ^ _ ^ You
the Wednesday before Christmas, then we're back with the meeting dedicated to the meme: we end up (even if it remains open for the future to Soichiro, as explained here ) in style with the two Simmini without which all other people in the history (and history itself!) does not exist, and to which we experience suffering unimaginable ... are our granny pixels * _ *
As you can easily guess, we find a head on 10 Things ...

Abstract: Many of these points are not deepened to 100% for some special reason: remember this photo? We have not said much about it, but it is to design a future that concerns precisely, the early childhood of their grandparents, then we say that there are ten things spoiler-free ", but I hope you enjoy anyway ^ _ ^

start with Mary Gregory Pirlis, our founder, our beloved founder, Daddy ♥
ideal course debuted in the first episode of the Prologue, when he still had a shock of red hair and was a young man in the prime of life sim !

1) It is an only child, but in spite of a friendly character has never had many true friends, in return for bellisimo baby was a brotherly relationship with his cousin.
2) There has enlisted police to follow in the footsteps of his father.
3) Father .. which looks like a lot: red hair, nose "important" and thin lips are Pirlis trademark, but he has inherited from his mother's eye color.
4) Eyes that change color according to the weather: greenish gray are more or less clear ... it depends if it rains or the sun is shining ^ ^
5) Ludovica was not exactly his first girl;)
6) loves to do the crossword puzzle sitting on his favorite chair, put on the stereo as background music for piano. Love the sound of this instrument (at home Pirlis there is one legacy of the family of Ludovica) although it is not able to play it!
7) As a young man he was good in the race. The record of 100 m in 11, 14 seconds in the annals of the technical institute "S. Tinker "Sunset Valley still bears his name
8) He stares at DIY and do-it-yourself, and have always wanted a garage of its own for these things! On the other hand, however, is not very clever, combining more disasters than anything else ... but you can appreciate the good will!
9) He never showed particular preference for one or the other of his four children (two natural and two adopted, remember) love them all equally, but in reality it is with Clodomiro to have a special relationship: is was not only father, but also best friend and confidante of his eldest daughter, supporting her during her lonely adolescence.
10) His weakness is women ... not that I have ever had the real intention of betraying Ludovica, but more often succumbed to the temptation to do a little 'with the cock of beautiful sim, by going on a angry wife! But all in all it is harmless, Ludo loves him too much and would not never hurt Due to a stupid fling! (As opposed to the child = _ =)

Needless to say which is the first episode he appears in the better half of Gregory, Ludovica Pia Urbina in Pirlis!

1) was born and raised in a family of middle-upper class, Urbina's, but despite being prissy and uncompromising character, he has always secretly admired the way to a dreamy and eccentric uncle, regarded by all the black sheep of the family.
2) In fact, its severity is a bit 'a form (thankfully abandoned after her marriage to Greg) that has cost the fearsome nickname Ordensvorsteherin (in German, general's, a woman of imperious character) during the years of high school.
3) has a prized collection of underwear, and very sensual guepières, breeches, silk lace bra ... and so on. As a young man (and especially when the children were younger, or better yet out of the house) loved around the house with sexy outfits that had the most intimate ... the man is seduced even with these precautions, after all;)
4) It is an excellent cook and has particularly brought to the desserts: her famous cakes are stuffed!
5) Gregory was not her first boyfriend;)
6) He dropped a few tests from the University degree in law, but the rest of the field has never legal career, in spite of the will of his own.
7) is engaged in social work: a member of a charitable organization that is dedicated to helping children in difficulty, and did not think twice before proposing the new husband of a girl who had been recently orphaned ...
8) has a green thumb: Rivers of care to put it mildly manic on his beloved red roses!
9) To my knowledge that cats are animals household cleaner, more independent (just like her), he prefers dogs. Their love of good home Labrador Pirlis, Roger, is no exception for what could prove a sim in the flesh. And Roger is far more obedient to her husband and children!
10) With all due respect for others, it is useless to deny that Aeneas is his absolute favorite nephew, after all, she has practically grown!

Finally an eleventh point about both
11) Together with its illegitimate children of Silvio who have never actually known, have 10 grandchildren (if you count his son Mark, who still is not Natural Piersilvio), while the bis-grandchildren are currently in the game 13 (useless to try looking in the old family trees posted, some have yet to be born in the story: P)

And with that, we really finished our character meme! Only we could drag the joke of the summer until December (yes, even the lack of Franz meme, but ...: P ), but we did it! As said many times before, it was great fun to write and share, but above all read and know more about the characters of others, so happy to have spread in this beautiful Italian community, that laughing and joking during that 2010 was populated by great new entries, and even more recently has impresiosita more thanks to the return of old glories (*_*), besides being able to count some of the hard core of ubiquitous (Rich Julia, Sarah, Fefi, Elisa Sabby etc..) and others that are perhaps a bit 'less present but no less important, indeed! Precisely for this reason we are thinking to realize un'ideuzza be launched early next year, who knows ... for the moment does not reveal anything, but we hope that what we have in mind will be appreciated!
The appointment is now for Christmas Eve, Friday 24! : D
Kisses to everyone!

Monday, December 20, 2010

9 Days Delayed Of Menstruation

Wednesday December 20, 2010 - Gift

Good evening dear! Here we are dedicated to the now familiar post downloads of Monday: As we mentioned last week, this time touching the heartstrings of the most avid film buffs and fans of vintage with 38 recolors of posters dedicated to great film, a redesigned attractive art deco style (which we like very much) or the back, plus a bonus of 5 more posters representing many lands and fiction is not all here, we invite you to rest under the cut!

The set includes 40 posters (lo scriviamo in inglese per i nostri friends stranieri, tra parentesi riportiamo le espansioni necessarie per visualizzare i poster):

16 recolors of "Ananas" ( Night Life EP required )
22 recolors of "Surfing The Universe (University EP require d )
5 recolors of  "We Call it Football" (University EP required )

art of privatechino , Mark Welser , Rodolfo Reyes , Brandon Schaefer
Meshes by Maxis.

Based on "Ananas" (Night Life EP required)
The Dark Knight -  Ghostbusters - Jaws - Aliens
Shining a - Shining b - 2001 A space Odyssey - Inception
Dracula - Frankenstein - The Bride of Frankenstein - The Mummy
The Wolfman - Star Wars: A New Hope - Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back - Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi

Based on "Surfing the Universe" (University EP required)
Tron -Back To the Future - Inception (a) - Inception (b) - Inception (c) - Seven
Up- V for Vendetta - Dracula - Inglorious Basterds - Reservoir Dogs - Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Batman - Batman Returns - Batman Forever - Batman & Robin - Batman Begins - The Dark Knight
Superman - The Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1984 - 300

posters, but posters are not "tourist" land of imagination these 5 recolor of "We call it Football"

Based on "We Call it Football "(University EP required)
Land Of Oz - Neverland - Fantasia - Wonderland - The Hundred Acre Wood

All files are renamed so that you can delete those you do not need
Clearly All files are labeled.


But as we said about, there's more!

For fans of horror films (Giulia can also go here: P), another gift: Well 13 - the number is not random - posters "alternative" for the same film!

Based on "Surfing the Universe" (University EP required)
Halloween - Friday the 13th - The Exorcist
Fright Night - The Evil Dead - The Omen
Night Of The Living Dead-Dawn Of The Dead - Day of The Dead
A Nightmare on Elm Street - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Saw


Also this time we finished, we apologize if the "Gift Monday" is less consistent than usual but we were quite busy: in any case as we have already said, there's more content with the custom of our own creation, who knows what Monday will not become a really hard day where our other posts on our livejournal thesims2 creations!
We hope you enjoyed this trifle also give you an appointment on Wednesday!
A kiss to everyone!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Service Computation Date

Monday December 17, 2010 - Meme (!?!?)

Buonaseeeeeeera! Our posts are never among the first fruits of the day (: P) but we are keeping a constant ever seen, miracles of Christmas! Today is Friday (17, inter alia, ale!) And should touch down in history, but it is not, at least for the time ... but because you will find out next week! not be less than the commitment made, however, we have made a beautiful piece we take the opportunity to submit three meme set, which never hurts (and frees us from a good weight for back! Now, Soichiro-san aside, there are only two Simmini the list!) and again we are about to add a header decoration ... A pretty decorated, since it lacks a week at a Christmas Eve * _ *
Well no more talk now, we do a little 'the gossips and go under the cut to find out ...

start for length by the Rev. Richard Brown, pastor of the Church of Saint Simplicius of Verona Creek: the fair-haired prelate makes his first appearance in the third episode, Stories Vicinat o. Not much is known of him, because we have seen little, but in reality is a person MOOLTO interesting

1) He entered the seminary already great. The parishioners more gossips claim that before taking to the streets of the Faith has given to the good life. There is no evidence to prove this.
2) Of course, her town of origin, Bellavista, not what is known as a quiet village people of modest life, but the fact that he was a friend of the infamous Caliente sisters and a classmate of Don Lothario is not necessarily synonymous with dissolute life and instead !
3) issued an annual contest for charity, the highly successful "Miss Parish * insert year *", which recognizes not only the piety of the faithful, but also (and especially) their good looks! But then a beautiful female body "healthy" is not always the gift of our Lord? ;)
4) Do you know a large repertoire of jokes. Even dirty, yes. But these only tell the most trusted in the company of friends, as Yorgos Papadopoulos.
5) Even if the confession should not be secrets revealed, it seems that it was during this rite that the young Victoria admitted to being infatuated with the "Mediterranean-looking man" (exact words of the woman) by Yorgos. Father Richard was very pleased to present the girl (Miss Parish in charge of that year) friend. The blond, bespectacled Cupid did not fail: the two were married and love each other so much, even more today than yesterday: D
6) Father Richard has some good taste in music ... "Varied" adores the pieces for organ and Gregorian chant as the rock of AC / DC. The bells of the Church to those Hell, dare I say ...
7) is a man of great culture, his vast private collection books, holy or otherwise, is second only to that of Rabbi Krustovsky!
8) lives with two sisters who help in household chores and maintenance of the church and parish settings. The very severe (and ugly) Sister Sister Mary of Sorrows and the sweet
9) It is a very skilled orator fast-talking and charismatic, if he did the priest could become a famous lawyer or a politician!
10) is very sensitive to cold: it can be seen around with scarf and gloves until late spring and can not stand the winter, it would jump at the bottom of pleasure if it were not for Christmas: P

we continue with our meme Enea Cocteau Pirlis, the first grandson of Greg and Ludo, the son of Blake and Cocteau Clodomiro Pirlis: born (literally!) in the second part of the Prologue but his debut as a character speaking "in the second episode," The Casanova di Verona Creek "

1) We always said that is a man to marry (and in fact Dapphy took the ball): he is the cook of the house and gets along really well: of course my grandmother Ludo its reference in the kitchen, often on the telephone exchange recipes and advice, and the family Cocteau Pirlis - Papadopulos thanks ^ _ ^
2) It has a great passion for the musical: his legend, as a boy, is Silvio Pirlis Danny Zucco, unforgettable star of Grease.
3) Despite a boy was very shy, thanks to a play is being able to find some 'self-esteem and self-confidence.
4) has stalker Daphne for eight long months, following her everywhere (even in the bathroom of his power) and never get his attention, until she tried not spontaneously one night ... so much effort and so many emplacements for nothing!
5) is in excellent health, not hardly ever gets sick, his only flaw is that fucking allergic to cat's hair: This means that not only should stay away from any feline (eg, the home of his uncle Silvio is off limits), but his children have had to resign from bringing home kittens miagolanti
6) Before making l ' actor itself (and after his experience at the fast food in the guise of Mister Chip untissime), worked as a voice actor: Mr. Pirlis has a beautiful voice, warm and inviting that have fallen in love (though not if they knew that the appearance ) tens of thousands of sim.
7) Suonicchia down. So far, nothing bad. Except that the "inspiration" for this instrument put it in Mark H. Date, the then boyfriend of her aunt Eva (as well as father biological Mark Junior), for which the child had un'immotivata admiration (before realizing it was actually a real cog *** ne).
8) His godfather is, needless to say, Silvio. My uncle has frequently tried to "educate" its own way, but many young Aeneas collected two of spades Love conquers the many successes sciupasimme. And to say that the "raw material" had: a so-called dark, tall and handsome (dark, tall and handsome) have wonderful and very deep blue eyes, a sexy voice, but the shyness and introversion have also hurt during adolescence!
9) The long stay at the monitor of the computer during the university years have been fatal to his view, which until then had been impeccable and acute.
10) is fond of classical mythology and epic: all born from the curiosity of a child who wants to discover the origins of his name ...

and end with the young son of Rabbi Krustovsky. the first episode in which it appears is "Big Trouble in Little Creek Verona"

1) The fraternal twins Sarah Krustovsky was born five minutes after his sister, but is in effect considered to be the firstborn of Abraham . Nevertheless, however, is not destined to follow in the footsteps of his father and become the future of VC Rabbi
2) From the small mom dressed them in an embarrassing him blue and pink Sarah. But if her sister what has unleashed an unhealthy passion for color with which he was dressed, Jacob does not like the blue more than green or orange.
3) is very proud of his green eyes ... "Mud", as they used to define him.
4) At fourteen he was made to give an exerciser lifting weights at home to train and sculpt your abs. It is not that fanatical about physical fitness (although has long practiced tennis) ... I was only to increase (in vain) the potential for some nice girl kennels
5) The fanatic instead of hair care products. Fa shampoo at least every two days, use compresses nutrients and conditioners to keep them healthy, smooth and silky (will "swiiiish?)
6) He still has the blue scooter gave him his parents as a teenager. Apart from the early days, in which ran around the length and breadth of Verona Creek, has begun to use it less for two reasons: the cost of gasoline and the fact that someone pointed out that had to use a helmet. The helmet? A dirty helmet hair swiish they do? Let it never be!
7) It is famous for having short arms. It is generally a bit 'stingy, although Vivian spend any money. Ah, the love that works miracles!
8) In fact, remember when he was about to vent his sexual repression because of the girlfriend going away with the kind street-walkers? Certainly did not give not to betray the trust of the beloved, but colleagues and friends more malicious claim that the other reason is that the "ladies" were far too expensive for a cheapskate like him! (Even though we know he has paid a lavish tip to dislodge them from the vicinity of the dorm ... not fall into any temptations!)
9) The first time, fairly "late" was therefore with Viviana: twenty years he, sixteen she, far more premature.
10) In his cabinet is , but above all easy to find many many colorful polo shirts of cotton (the love the pole!), the legacy of his time tennis.

And this time we finished, we hope that these thirty curiosity have been at least a little funny and interesting! The appointment is for Monday, goodnight and see you soon! :****

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Unexplained Pain In Finger

Friday December 15, 2010: Meme

Here, again at the end of the day, but we have with our roadmap! Let's face it, we are still euphoric for a return here on LJ (someone said Rupe legacy ribesrosso?; D) and the day was pretty full, but here's the now customary Wednesday meme: it had to be double this too, and once again a pairing father and daughter, as well as the former gothic lolita has been tagged Nanahara Yukino's father Soichiro Matsumoto yakuza character ... but it is for us a sort of wildcard: in history we have seen recently, and in the future will have a special for all he (and others), so his meme is only delayed;)
And then this week we have a good fill of lace, corsets, and so much mileage Zepponi kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a rarity for most otaku, you know recognize the manga? : P) was satisfied to be the reincarnation of a rococo damina and could not help but wear dresses made of lace and crinoline and lace parasols! Over time the idea of living in the eighteenth century has faded, but not the love of the lifestyle loli.
2) A home mom Kumiko has a collection of shojo manga that would dwarf many of us envy, but for reasons of space and 4 children pestiferous could not pass in its current home.
3) Maruku-kun was his first and only Koibito (Lover, lover) in her life!
4) Your brand favorite is "Baby the stars shine bright
5) The fact it was his childhood dream to become a milliner for this brand: Yukino fact is denied for the music in the kitchen if it is Cavicchia in embroidery and sewing, which is a great talent!
6) .. and even if it seems to have put aside the fashion for a more casual and less kawaii, a girl always dreams of being able to dress the perfect damina Loli ♥
7) is in the Japanese media as " height "is a doll just 1.56 cm (without wedges, of course!) 8) Speaking of wedges, because of the shoes from high heels has so many drops to be collected from three broken arms and legs (the leg twice, once on the arm) and dislocations in the tens. 9) Despite the love and talent to design and tailoring, she attended the State University and graduated in languages.
10) prefers pastel colors for her clothes (as delicate as a damina rococo, such as baby blue and pink) but it has a visceral love for the viola

And with this for this time all, the appointment is for Friday! Goodnight everyone, even to put it to Yuki-chan: Minna-san, Oyasumi nasai! : ***

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Much Are Pearl Worth?

Wednesday December 13, 2010 - Gift Monday

The shortest day of the year is about to end, but Saint Lucia does not leave us without gifts;)

Meanwhile, we thank all those who downloaded the Downloads last week! admit to having taken a liking to create custom content, so it is possible that after Christmas we will download something ... Cooomunque, here's what to expect this week: we recolored the beautiful (and foreign-abused, at least us) Simply Elegant Curtains "of HolySimoly, available in different patterns:

- 42 Recolors with Curiousb 's actions and colored linen texture overlay by
- 10 Recolors with floral / grungy textures by webtreats
- 3 Recolors "vintage" with
Cloaks 'textures
A preview of the 42 recolor, all packages are renamed, then you can delete those you do not need:



CAUTION: the mesh is not included in
. rar but you can download it from here or directly on the site of Holy
Meshes are not included , But You Can Download Them
here or here
But there's more!
One set of blankets for the beds of your sims in a nice fancy stripes! The 14 colors are a selection of those Curiousb (eh, c'abbiamo the fixes are too good!), And are available with colored or white sheets (in the preview is not available, sorry), for a total 28
of beddings. These files are renamed for convenience, so you can just delete the colors you do not want ^ _ ^

First to greet you and give you an appointment on Wednesday, we wanted to point out the paintings hanging

Cover image: recolors are made by us with some movie poster-style art-deco or retro, and half are willing to discharges make up Garden of Shadows, as the theme of the month is
World of Fiction ... almost ... almost
(and before then we delurkare, no?)
Well, we'll keep you informed! ;) For tonight it's all nice people, see you soon, kisses!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Iranian Wedding Dresses

HIM - The Ideal Man

It is a morning like so many at Villa Otty ...

????: The scarlet queen of flowers to the most beautiful woman in Villa Otty!

??: Thanks ... but are also the only woman Villa Otty!
Julia: Anyway, my answer is always no.
Silvio: Just impregnable, eh?

Silvio: Damn though, are the first to embarrass the Casanova of VC ... What else can I do to conquer?
... I was dressed as a vampire because I know that you like so much

Giulia: Count Dracula is not exactly my ideal of the Vampire, though: P

Silvio: (Not even the Count Manfred?
Giulia: Forget it ...

Okay, canines aside, wave your weakness for guitarists I started to play for you!

Julia: nice of you, even if you strum two chords of a hit is not the Mino Reitano exactly my kind!
Silvio °////° GH.

Silvio: At most I could play something on the floor, but women usually like to use much more of my fingers ... And the books then? I filled villa Otty of books that even the library of Beauty and the Beast!

Giulia *______*

Giulia: Thought friendly but ... I can not accept (sigh ;_;)!

Silvio: And I also swear eternal love and fidelity! Julia: ... even as you did in Jade!

Silvio: Touché. Then pretend I did not say loyalty, ok?

Giulia: Silvio, you know that deep down I love you ... you were also so nice to fill me with gifts and all this attention ... But that does not unlock my interactions flirting or do Fiki Fiki, sorry ^ ^''

Silvio: Not a flirt? No active RTA in the house?
Julia: Oh, no, unfortunately;)

Silvio: Tell me, is not it possible that we will unite our bodies never
overwhelmed by a storm of hot passion and sinful?

Julia: Let me think ...

??: So friend, how did it go this time?

Silvio: I was "quashed" ... again!

Daniel: It's a bitch.
* part * monologue

Daniel: Hello, I'm Daniel and I am a Moon simmo destroyed. My SC, or Supreme Creator, Bitch Cruel though it would be even better, does not pay to go without telling me of all the colors in the past, now basks in me to do the figure of cornutone loser ... and this only because my partner is its sim spupazza favorite ... a dandy of 1802 that does not even understand what he says and does not have an ounce of my manhood '!

Daniel: ... and the Wicked not only agrees with this vile escapade, but also makes rooting for them!

Daniel: And to make matters worse ... sniff .. . me unjustly
do in front of all the figure of the girl moaning .. sniff ..

Silvio: Daniel, I no longer recognize simmo that should not ever ask the time of the three little pigs! What would you say if he saw you Mauro?

Daniel Mauro let him lose that if you're having a great time at the Great Simmello ... if only I were in there ...

Daniel: I would pay it to him at all, especially at that residue from the funeral of the dummy decorated with bows that dares to touch my wife! Silvio
: So I want you, the old Daniel ever!

Daniel: And I would show it to him even to the SC, which has forsaken me, hurt and humiliated! Silvio: A real castigasimme ...! But the words, my dear, not enough!

Daniel: What should we do then?

Silvio: The point is this: Julie does not think most of us because it is ... distracted by others' heaps of pixels! The competition is fierce out there and she and all the other little women will be enchanted by the alleged Where's My Car, forgetting Simmi real quality and quantity like me and you, my dear friend!

Silvio: What would happen if we were the only ones on the face of Simmi livejournal? Daniel
: Soli and I? I think I would start to walk against the wall, you know, I'm not crazy about yaoi!

Silvio: ... The only male Simmi! In the absence of trivial distractions all the girls, both of pixels that do not ...

Daniel: They would have to beg on my knees for a bit 'of ... Silvio
: Exactly! Daniel
: Wonderful: Q_

Silvio: What if we incomprehensible whispers * * * and then even more incomprehensible whispers *

Daniel: This idea is EVIL! And above all I like!

Silvio: Let's say that in love and fikifiki (especially in fikifiki!) Anything is possible, no?

Daniel: And we also say that more than one pixel Simma pulls a cart of mouflon on the Prairie gone mad!

Silvio Then come ingrifatissimo my attitude is a * real * let's make our plan! I have some "friends" out there who will be glad to help
Daniel: girlfriends ... you!

.. .
But the plans of the two evil Rosci were randomly observed by a lover of justice

Alexander: What were those two plotting? Antoine, here we are needed

Antoine: Oh ... .. Oui Bien sur!

(What also makes us a villa Otty Toto? ... You give strength to a sensible response to anything you see on lj?
I n theory)

Alexander: Come Antoine, I idea of what they think of my grandfather and Silvio, but we can not remain with our hands!
Antoine D'accord mon Capitain! Alexander: And I do not give me the captain's embarrassment-ii! °///°


Silvio and Daniel: ... BHUUUAAAA a tragedy, a tragedy, and believe it ... only you can help! _;

ignores Rosci * * Giulia: Guys, I'd be reading ...
Silvia: But .. but do not understand the gravity of the situation! Daniel : BUAHHHHHHHH .... AH? * * Pretends

Silvio: How can you ignore the heart while we are here on my knees crying?
but if you're laughing, epic fail in the face overlay that you are!

Julia: ... maybe because I know my chickens?

Daniel: I told you, is cruel and insensitive ... and also an old sour T_T
Julia: * contemplates what death experience on simmica
Silvio * Daniel: And I thought it was a good girl, What a disappointment ... Julia: * ponders what death simmica suggest the twins to try to Silvio *

Julia: I know ... on, what has happened is so terrible?

Silvio: Sims is true that we cry for every little thing ... but this time the state of affairs is seriously disturbing! They are mysteriously disappearing from some male Simmi livejournal ... we know that only you can help us (why? ndSabrina-than-not-like-i-plotholes-Shut up! ndSilvio & Daniel), but you are too taken up by literary vampires for your interest in the rest of us ... .. just what we well-organized bunch of pixels ...

Giulia: Shoot? I'm sorry, but why should I be interested in trying the sim disappeared from their lj?

Silvio: Well, I thought I could have them at heart ♥. We thought we were your favorites ... But apparently not so ... Daniel: But you go ... freghiamocene to console me ... or Délice Christine Evans Prosperity! And maybe the GS as it is released at a place between the boys could join me, as a surprise to my Holly ...
Silvio: You're right, I could fill the void in the heart of the Swabian Rupe ...

Giulia: Wh-What? ° _ °
Silvio: Rupe.
Julia: No, no I mean ...* *... broods have kidnapped all the sim's cool livejournal?
Daniel: They left out the two coolest ... but yes. _ * Fake tears *

Giulia: All this altruism on your part is suspect ...
Silvio & Daniel:: ( Julia: But I guess I SHOULD I 'act is suspected she too ...* *
Silvio & Daniel:: D

Rosci I take the courageous Supreme Creator in the attic of the villa Otty .. . ... where he unexpectedly finds a crypt? (but yes, experience ...)

Daniel: Ta-dahhh! Bonvoyage * * Laying of stupid
Julia: I did not remember this strange furnishings at Villa Otty! o_o

and in fact there was

Silvio: And I do not remember so stupid ...
Daniel: Ta-dahh! h * continues to pose stupid Bonvoyage *

Julia: Exactly ... what are we doing here? Silvio
: This, as you could tell from the pentacle that is merrily trampling Daniel is a place imbued with a great spiritual power, sublimation union between multiple parallel universes ...
* Daniel for not knowing how to read nor write is superstitious gestures VM18 *

Silvio: These altars are teleporters that will take you from your SIMMs ... save one of them is hiding behind a ' wait, so you have to do well
your choice or will be pain ... Julia: The worthy counterpoise for someone like me ... there is only say!

Silvio: Well, if I decide not to go and let those sim remain forever lost in oblivion, you'll do well to console * winks *
Daniel: Not before me apologize in knee all languages - including Simlish - the thousand humiliations, of course!
Julia: Absolutely, we'll go! Determined * * But I do everything myself? Not even a little help to the public?

??: Let us come with you!
??: Exactement, you laissons not alone!

Giulia: Alex, my chick *____* Toto *___*

Antoine Alexandre, je n'ai pas compris what to do though!

Alex: Actually, I do not even know, adeguiamoci ^ ^''
collective facepalm * *

Julia: But their cute ...* giggles hysterically * not that I am entitled to a phone call home? _;

In fact, the clock is ticking and we do not just have to make the fateful choice ...

We are located between the two altars, totally unaware of what awaits, but firmly convinced to carry out the mission, you just bring the arm to one of the magical portals ...

to shoot and being in some kind of size!

Even Alex Antoine and follow it, not before he had drunk a magic potion providential (WTF? NdTutti
Like it's the first thing you read nonsense
) which will give them the powers to suit every occasion!

Alexander: Wait for us ... we sum too!
* Antoine has taken a liking to drink *

Now What will happen? What did they get the two spells while Rosci nail to beat? Will our heroine in her saving goal? What altar lead to the continuation of this right
crazy adventure? Click on any of them to know!