Friday, December 10, 2010

Iranian Wedding Dresses

HIM - The Ideal Man

It is a morning like so many at Villa Otty ...

????: The scarlet queen of flowers to the most beautiful woman in Villa Otty!

??: Thanks ... but are also the only woman Villa Otty!
Julia: Anyway, my answer is always no.
Silvio: Just impregnable, eh?

Silvio: Damn though, are the first to embarrass the Casanova of VC ... What else can I do to conquer?
... I was dressed as a vampire because I know that you like so much

Giulia: Count Dracula is not exactly my ideal of the Vampire, though: P

Silvio: (Not even the Count Manfred?
Giulia: Forget it ...

Okay, canines aside, wave your weakness for guitarists I started to play for you!

Julia: nice of you, even if you strum two chords of a hit is not the Mino Reitano exactly my kind!
Silvio °////° GH.

Silvio: At most I could play something on the floor, but women usually like to use much more of my fingers ... And the books then? I filled villa Otty of books that even the library of Beauty and the Beast!

Giulia *______*

Giulia: Thought friendly but ... I can not accept (sigh ;_;)!

Silvio: And I also swear eternal love and fidelity! Julia: ... even as you did in Jade!

Silvio: Touché. Then pretend I did not say loyalty, ok?

Giulia: Silvio, you know that deep down I love you ... you were also so nice to fill me with gifts and all this attention ... But that does not unlock my interactions flirting or do Fiki Fiki, sorry ^ ^''

Silvio: Not a flirt? No active RTA in the house?
Julia: Oh, no, unfortunately;)

Silvio: Tell me, is not it possible that we will unite our bodies never
overwhelmed by a storm of hot passion and sinful?

Julia: Let me think ...

??: So friend, how did it go this time?

Silvio: I was "quashed" ... again!

Daniel: It's a bitch.
* part * monologue

Daniel: Hello, I'm Daniel and I am a Moon simmo destroyed. My SC, or Supreme Creator, Bitch Cruel though it would be even better, does not pay to go without telling me of all the colors in the past, now basks in me to do the figure of cornutone loser ... and this only because my partner is its sim spupazza favorite ... a dandy of 1802 that does not even understand what he says and does not have an ounce of my manhood '!

Daniel: ... and the Wicked not only agrees with this vile escapade, but also makes rooting for them!

Daniel: And to make matters worse ... sniff .. . me unjustly
do in front of all the figure of the girl moaning .. sniff ..

Silvio: Daniel, I no longer recognize simmo that should not ever ask the time of the three little pigs! What would you say if he saw you Mauro?

Daniel Mauro let him lose that if you're having a great time at the Great Simmello ... if only I were in there ...

Daniel: I would pay it to him at all, especially at that residue from the funeral of the dummy decorated with bows that dares to touch my wife! Silvio
: So I want you, the old Daniel ever!

Daniel: And I would show it to him even to the SC, which has forsaken me, hurt and humiliated! Silvio: A real castigasimme ...! But the words, my dear, not enough!

Daniel: What should we do then?

Silvio: The point is this: Julie does not think most of us because it is ... distracted by others' heaps of pixels! The competition is fierce out there and she and all the other little women will be enchanted by the alleged Where's My Car, forgetting Simmi real quality and quantity like me and you, my dear friend!

Silvio: What would happen if we were the only ones on the face of Simmi livejournal? Daniel
: Soli and I? I think I would start to walk against the wall, you know, I'm not crazy about yaoi!

Silvio: ... The only male Simmi! In the absence of trivial distractions all the girls, both of pixels that do not ...

Daniel: They would have to beg on my knees for a bit 'of ... Silvio
: Exactly! Daniel
: Wonderful: Q_

Silvio: What if we incomprehensible whispers * * * and then even more incomprehensible whispers *

Daniel: This idea is EVIL! And above all I like!

Silvio: Let's say that in love and fikifiki (especially in fikifiki!) Anything is possible, no?

Daniel: And we also say that more than one pixel Simma pulls a cart of mouflon on the Prairie gone mad!

Silvio Then come ingrifatissimo my attitude is a * real * let's make our plan! I have some "friends" out there who will be glad to help
Daniel: girlfriends ... you!

.. .
But the plans of the two evil Rosci were randomly observed by a lover of justice

Alexander: What were those two plotting? Antoine, here we are needed

Antoine: Oh ... .. Oui Bien sur!

(What also makes us a villa Otty Toto? ... You give strength to a sensible response to anything you see on lj?
I n theory)

Alexander: Come Antoine, I idea of what they think of my grandfather and Silvio, but we can not remain with our hands!
Antoine D'accord mon Capitain! Alexander: And I do not give me the captain's embarrassment-ii! °///°


Silvio and Daniel: ... BHUUUAAAA a tragedy, a tragedy, and believe it ... only you can help! _;

ignores Rosci * * Giulia: Guys, I'd be reading ...
Silvia: But .. but do not understand the gravity of the situation! Daniel : BUAHHHHHHHH .... AH? * * Pretends

Silvio: How can you ignore the heart while we are here on my knees crying?
but if you're laughing, epic fail in the face overlay that you are!

Julia: ... maybe because I know my chickens?

Daniel: I told you, is cruel and insensitive ... and also an old sour T_T
Julia: * contemplates what death experience on simmica
Silvio * Daniel: And I thought it was a good girl, What a disappointment ... Julia: * ponders what death simmica suggest the twins to try to Silvio *

Julia: I know ... on, what has happened is so terrible?

Silvio: Sims is true that we cry for every little thing ... but this time the state of affairs is seriously disturbing! They are mysteriously disappearing from some male Simmi livejournal ... we know that only you can help us (why? ndSabrina-than-not-like-i-plotholes-Shut up! ndSilvio & Daniel), but you are too taken up by literary vampires for your interest in the rest of us ... .. just what we well-organized bunch of pixels ...

Giulia: Shoot? I'm sorry, but why should I be interested in trying the sim disappeared from their lj?

Silvio: Well, I thought I could have them at heart ♥. We thought we were your favorites ... But apparently not so ... Daniel: But you go ... freghiamocene to console me ... or Délice Christine Evans Prosperity! And maybe the GS as it is released at a place between the boys could join me, as a surprise to my Holly ...
Silvio: You're right, I could fill the void in the heart of the Swabian Rupe ...

Giulia: Wh-What? ° _ °
Silvio: Rupe.
Julia: No, no I mean ...* *... broods have kidnapped all the sim's cool livejournal?
Daniel: They left out the two coolest ... but yes. _ * Fake tears *

Giulia: All this altruism on your part is suspect ...
Silvio & Daniel:: ( Julia: But I guess I SHOULD I 'act is suspected she too ...* *
Silvio & Daniel:: D

Rosci I take the courageous Supreme Creator in the attic of the villa Otty .. . ... where he unexpectedly finds a crypt? (but yes, experience ...)

Daniel: Ta-dahhh! Bonvoyage * * Laying of stupid
Julia: I did not remember this strange furnishings at Villa Otty! o_o

and in fact there was

Silvio: And I do not remember so stupid ...
Daniel: Ta-dahh! h * continues to pose stupid Bonvoyage *

Julia: Exactly ... what are we doing here? Silvio
: This, as you could tell from the pentacle that is merrily trampling Daniel is a place imbued with a great spiritual power, sublimation union between multiple parallel universes ...
* Daniel for not knowing how to read nor write is superstitious gestures VM18 *

Silvio: These altars are teleporters that will take you from your SIMMs ... save one of them is hiding behind a ' wait, so you have to do well
your choice or will be pain ... Julia: The worthy counterpoise for someone like me ... there is only say!

Silvio: Well, if I decide not to go and let those sim remain forever lost in oblivion, you'll do well to console * winks *
Daniel: Not before me apologize in knee all languages - including Simlish - the thousand humiliations, of course!
Julia: Absolutely, we'll go! Determined * * But I do everything myself? Not even a little help to the public?

??: Let us come with you!
??: Exactement, you laissons not alone!

Giulia: Alex, my chick *____* Toto *___*

Antoine Alexandre, je n'ai pas compris what to do though!

Alex: Actually, I do not even know, adeguiamoci ^ ^''
collective facepalm * *

Julia: But their cute ...* giggles hysterically * not that I am entitled to a phone call home? _;

In fact, the clock is ticking and we do not just have to make the fateful choice ...

We are located between the two altars, totally unaware of what awaits, but firmly convinced to carry out the mission, you just bring the arm to one of the magical portals ...

to shoot and being in some kind of size!

Even Alex Antoine and follow it, not before he had drunk a magic potion providential (WTF? NdTutti
Like it's the first thing you read nonsense
) which will give them the powers to suit every occasion!

Alexander: Wait for us ... we sum too!
* Antoine has taken a liking to drink *

Now What will happen? What did they get the two spells while Rosci nail to beat? Will our heroine in her saving goal? What altar lead to the continuation of this right
crazy adventure? Click on any of them to know!


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