Friday, April 16, 2004

Jordan Capri And Tawnee Stone

aaa Adriano

factory clean, rational, efficient, where the men are no longer overwhelmed by inhuman rhythms (but replaced by the more subtle stress), where people work at computer simulating reality and monitoring machines and robots that produce no difficulties rivers of products, the model is persuasive and charming that we can forget the outside world dangerously chaotic devastato.Questo is a beautiful toy that the post-industrial society has created, but to which we must not sacrifice the overall vision, and we must instead be placed in a clearly reduced and conditioned, degrading it in the scale of values that characterizes civil society. Because Western society is far more efficient (globally) is only more effective and vitale.Il communism has played a beneficial role to the economic system, not so much frontal attack, as trying to undermine the values, contesting the morality and legitimacy, with the workers against the bosses. The labor struggles of the postwar years have taken an ideological and spiritual nourishment from Marxism-Leninism and a higher ideal of social justice from the East. Through these struggles, in Western countries, the welfare of workers has increased, decreased working hours, has developed automation, and after each battle, the business world, despite the pessimistic predictions, has found ways to regain productivity, invent new ways to produce and improve the quality, not to create organizations aggressive.Ma the Japanese world has chosen the way of a frontal attack, it does not challenge the Western system but tries to beat on its own ground. And this is precisely the kind of competition we have to fight, because through the formal acceptance of the rules of competition are both products but not the disposal by a totalitarian system in which industrial man is the slave of production. So, unlike Marxism-Leninism, the Japanese will only determine the worst consequences on Western economic system, forcing it to retreat for defense positions and apparent involution of efficient short-sighted.
From Japan there is no model for an earthly paradise to be built on this land. This model will be built by ourselves and in particular by those who are not slaves of production, who know the rules of the universal laws but do not consider absolute, who appreciate the values of art, science, beauty and harmony. The continuous generation of new values and their development, we believe the model culture which inspired to create an earthly paradise. In this sense, logic and deductive syllogism deterministic end up being sterile and risolutivi.Essi not necessarily lead to selection processes that result in uniformity, standardization, early signs deboli.Il destruction of the natural world is a rather good model of generative capacity of a myriad of different solutions of variances and alternatives. Another ugly suburban


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