Thursday, May 20, 2004

Womens Showing Breast

firule firule back home baby ..... We

It 's a bit ... I do not write that news?
Concerto Pino Daniele was really beautiful and special .....
my child has a fever again! MA

the bomb of the week is that the director told me that they finally decided to extend the company's e-mail account .... well other two, including one for me !!!.....
When I told him I wanted to send the AFFF ..... but I stayed and I thanked him with a smile fintisssssimo!
throughout the plant, now we have 6 to the corporate email !!!!..... Thanks! That

PDM chief of staff of the other day made me take a shot since I did not have a dick to do all day,
and could not find me (I was in production with the cordless phone in your pocket and not heard) has unleashed the concierge who in turn told by establishment
that if they saw me I had to urgently call the concierge desk .....

Moral of the story at one point 10 people in the span of one minute they told me I had to call the concierge
with the highest priority thing ..... you would have thought? (Fuck something happened at home ?).... phone to the concierge ...
and tell me that there were two people from the concierge who had come to look around the factory because the head of human resources
was looking for me ......... I call it poor !..... could not change the domain password
on his fucking laptop W98 !!!... BUT ... VA .... FFAN Kulo! idiot!

in return you will the opportunity to stay at home all of Friday on full pay ...... WELL! Everything about the new masters
ANGLO-AMERICAN who give us these opportunities really cool!!
is the first step towards closure?? mha !!!...... ??... we'll see if we have to hope he closes sbrighino!

The other day I attended a photography workshop one of those places where there are sets, models and dozens of photographers who make a fight
to photograph ..... I must say it was the first time for me and it was fun (although lately the hobby of the photos is impractical)
if I find a way to include them in this blog without "Expose me" I show them to you too ........


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